SEO Services

10 Mistakes to Avoid in SEO Services for Ecommerce

Have you ever found yourself lost in the vast maze of the digital market, where every e-commerce store seems to be competing for a slice of the pie? With more and more online stores popping up daily, how does one lead the pack?
Certain brands rise to the top within the competitive digital realm, magnetically drawing customers their way. But what’s the secret?
A well-crafted SEO service for E-commerce Remarketing: A Strategic Approach to Recover Abandoned Carts strategy is like a roadmap that guides shoppers to a store, and they are vital for a successful business. Let’s learn how to bring your online store into the limelight for shoppers!

What Are The Common Ecommerce SEO Mistakes To Avoid?

There are SEO pitfalls in online stores that most business owners make and lose many potential customers instantly. We list these in order of importance so you can learn and avoid them to make your online business thrive. Here are the ten mistakes you must avoid.

Not Keyword Optimized

The first problem is that your website is not keyword-optimized. Google is now a semantic search engine, focusing more on user intent to show results. If the keywords you have used are not optimized in tiles, meta titles, and descriptions, your website can be lost in the pile of similar websites, never to be seen again.

How to Fix It: An in-depth keyword analysis can solve any problem with search intent and keywords. This optimizing ecommerce websites will give you an accurate overview of which keywords belong on which web pages so you can optimize your website accordingly.

Deep Website Structure

Another mistake that you commit to designing your website is vague and complicated. Now, people like simple, interactive, and easy-to-navigate websites. Moreover, Google ranks that website before that, as it has easy-to-understand content. Some business owners develop a deep, confusing design that most people get lost while finding the right page. This can instantly cause you to lose many valuable customers.

How to Fix It: Create a design that engages people when they land on your website. SEO services for ecommerce can make the categories, sub-categories, and purchase pages easy to understand and proceed with. It will save you from the hustle in the long future.

Incorrect Category Pages

The next mistake is quite common, confusing the search engine and the visitor. Sometimes, you make incorrect or misguiding category pages on your website. For example, you create a page for dog food and dont specify what type of dog food you offer. When people search for “vegan dog food” or “gluten-free dog food’, they dont get adequate results, making your business ambiguous and underperforming.

How To Fix It: try to create a main page and relevant sub-pages smartly. If you offer men’s apparel and have pages for jackets, shirts, pants, and coats. Consider subdividing them into festive, casual, or wedding. It will make your website more clear, making Google instantly understand its content to rank when someone queries.

Missing Product Descriptions

Many online stores don’t have product descriptions on their main category and product pages. You might think the product speaks for itself, but you must remember that online users cannot ask questions about products like they would in a brick-and-mortar store. Simultaneously, Google needs descriptions to understand what your website is about and how good you are at guiding your customers. This has a major impact on your sales and conversions.

How to Fix It: A detailed website analysis and E-commerce Remarketing will help you avoid this mistake. To attract customers, you can use appropriate descriptions that speak for the business and its agenda. Try to put descriptions that benefit the customer so they instantly purchase.

Wrong Approach to Filters

The most common SEO strategies for ecommerce is to create a URL that covers the content of a product or service. However, when you subcategorize it in size, color, or material, each category needs a separate URL for the same product, confusing visitors and confusing Google to decipher. It is a rather technical task but significantly impacts your website’s traffic and potential sales.

How to Fix It: Make sure that your URLs follow the same order, e.g., by listing proper filters in the same order so they always start with the same pattern, like color, then material, then size, etc. The next step is to canonicalize the URL so that Google knows what you offer and how to show it to someone when searching for your product.

Missing or Incorrect Structured Data

From 2022, structured data will be considered the most vital part of enhancing the visibility and optimization of your online store. If you ignore this aspect or put incorrect data on the site, the user and search engine will be confused and reluctant to trust your website’s credibility.

How to Fix It: To overcome this issue, you can get help from b2b SEO services that analyze your website critically and allow you to add structured data to make your business more visible and convertible.

Canonicalizing Paginated Pages Wrong

Let’s understand the term first. Canonicalization is a signal to Google showing which page you think should be ranked. Pagination means the extra pages you see in online stores where you can switch between pages 1, 2, 3, and so on. If you send the wrong signals to Google for ranking or understanding its content, Google will never rank it.

How to Fix It: The only solution to this problem is: Dont. Instead, try to make pagination pages canonicalization themselves. It means your ecommerce business creates proper sections that handle this and make your website straightforward. In some cases, you might need manual coding.

Leaving Sorting to Chance

This problem is also related to the problem no 2. If you leave the sorting system on your e-commerce system, leave it chronological or alphabetical. This will send complex and confusing signals to Google, making the crawling process even more difficult. After all, Google does not select filters when crawling your website.

How to Fix It: The simplest way to avoid this problem is to sort your website according to Bestsellers, most popular, profit, and SEO priority. This practice will help the Google algorithm understand the website better and make your website sort optimally.

Images Loading Wrong

Images are the windows of your website where most people decide to purchase. Image SEO is a vital service that optimizes all the visuals and images of the website to make it more visible and user-friendly. If you have posted the wrong size, type, or resolution, it is evident that you will not be seen even on the first ten results of the Google search results.

How To Fix It: The only solution is to upload high-quality, HD, and correct-size photos on the website to send precise signals. Whether you choose PNG, JPG, or another format, try to be consistent so your website looks more professional and symmetrical.

Not Considering Product Variants

Most business owners sell multiple variants of the same product. They sell shirts in red, blue, and green colors in sizes small, medium, and so on. Each page has a different URL so customers can reach their desired page and make a purchase. Now, where does the problem arise? Many pages of the same product can confuse Google in ranking which page offers the maximum productivity. It can have a magnificent impact on your sales and conversions.

How to Fix It: You must canonicalize the color variants to a standard URL—so /blue and /red are canonicalized to /t-shirt. Many SEO solutions enable you to select colors on the same page, and the difference is only visible to you once the customer has ordered the product. In this case, you don’t have to do anything. Sometimes, the color might be necessary because specific colors have a high search volume. You should use URLs for different color variants in many places.

By avoiding these mistakes you actively make your ecommerce SEO services more productive and functional. In the competitive market, you need to be vigilant and make smart decisions to sustain and earn more profits. A reputed digital marketing company can be your right hand and help you rank better on all search pages with a better brand image.


What are the common mistakes to avoid when optimizing your website for SEO?

Weak keyword research, incorrect data, wrong images, and confusing website interface can affect your ecommerce SEO and make it challenging to optimize your website.

What is the mistake of SEO that most companies make?

Neglecting keyword research is the most common error. Targeting irrelevant keywords wastes time and effort.

How can I improve the SEO of my eCommerce website?

To achieve adequate SEO results, you can optimize product descriptions and titles with keywords, build high-quality backlinks, and improve website loading speed.



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